Background: Expunge Assist, a division of Hack for LA, aims to help people in California with non-violent criminal records accomplish record clearance, expungement, or reduction as a result of Prop 47 and Prop 64.
Challenge: Throughout the expungement process there is a higher dropoff rate for clients when they are tasked with writing a personal statement to show a judge how they’ve changed their life for the better since their conviction. Our team focussed on creating a web tool to make this process easier.
My Role: Product Designer + Product Manager
Design Team: Gyan Prayaga, Lu Wu, Ryan Curtis, Nana Yaa Ansah
Research Team: Gilles Babou, Myranda Pierce, Apurva Barve, Yumeng Luo
Product Management Team: Daniel Lee, Gretchen Howard, Andan Eddy
Development Team: Cade Mallett, Alex Choi, Daniel Xiao
Partnerships: NDICA, Code for America
Tools: Figma, Github, Illustrator, Qualtrics, Miro, Google Suite
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